Tag: threat-intelligence

Analysis of A Lokibot InfoStealer

Analysis of A Lokibot InfoStealer

Lokibot is a family of “infostealers” designed to steal sensitive data such as credentials, cryptocurrency wallets, and other juicy things. Once a victim system is infected, this data is typically sent to a Command & Control server via HTTP POST.

I decided to dig deeper into this infostealer out of curiosity, as well as its prevalence in the cybercrime communities.

Here is the sha256 hash of the sample I used during this analysis:


A quick static file analysis of the sample does not reveal much. Below, we can see some of the properties and headers of the file, such as that it is an executable. We can also see that the sample is likely written and compiled in Delphi. The import table is also lacking, leading me to believe that the sample is packed and will later unpack itself in memory.

Lokibot sample properties – packed

Let’s run the sample in our sandbox and see how it behaves.

Behavioral Analysis

When starting the Lokibot executable in a virtual machine, the sample basically copies itself to the users “AppData\Roaming” directory as “ever.exe”. It then executes the “ever.exe” executable, unpacks itself into a new instance of “ever.exe“, and kills the original “ever.exe” process.

Below, we can see the unpacked sample running as “ever.exe”.

Lokibot sample running on Windows 7.

Capturing traffic in Wireshark, we can see some interesting behavior:

Wireshark traffic.

The sample seems to make an HTTP POST to the domain “smallthingstress.sytes.net”. Inside the POST data is my Windows hostname, username, and a string at the end. At the beginning, there is a reference to “ckav.ru”. This is actually referencing a domain, “fuckav.ru”, which we will see again later in this sample’s code.

Unfortunately, I was unable to do more analysis of the complete C&C traffic flow because the domain appears to be offline now. Good thing for the victims, bad thing for us malware analysts 🙁

Unpacking Lokibot

The goal of this analysis is to understand the detailed functionalities of the malware. One of the ways in which to do this is to let the sample unpack itself in memory, and then extract it from memory as an executable and finally rebuilding the PE headers and IAT (Import Address Table). This way, we will be able to open up the sample in IDA or another disassembler and view its functionalities to start analyzing it.

For unpacking, I decided to use a tool called “hollows_hunter“. I wrote in detail about hollows_hunter here if you are interested.

In summary, hollows_hunter is a tool that scans all processes in your virtual Windows environment and attempts to locate malicious activity such as hooking, code injection, shellcode, etc. Once the malicious activity is recognized, hollows_hunter automatically dumps the associated executables, and attempts to rebuild the PE file and IAT. It worked really well in past samples I have ran it on, and it is a good idea to run this tool before attempting manual unpacking to save some time.

HollowsHunter in action.

I ran the Lokibot sample and started hollows_hunter, which can be seen in the above screenshot. Luckily, hollows_hunter was able to dump the malicious process. To my surprise, it also rebuilt the PE and (some of) the IAT successfully, allowing me to inspect interesting imports and strings.

Static Analysis of Unpacked Lokibot

After dumping the unpacked executable, we can now see several interesting strings and functionalities:

Suspicious strings…

For example, there are strings that reference SQL statements, the URL we saw earlier (“smallthingstress.sytes.net”), the “fuckav.ru” domain reference, and some strings referencing various browsers.

Based on the above findings, we can be mostly sure that this sample is designed to enumerate and extract system information such as browser and SQL data. Let’s import the sample into IDA for a deeper analysis.

To start revering this sample, I chose a few of the interesting strings and imports in the strings list. Some of the items that caught my attention were the browser-related strings, and the connection-related imports (socket, connect, send, etc.)

Below, we can see a list of the functionalities of this sample. This Lokibot sample is attempting to read data from the following applications:

Lokibot – interesting functionalities.

Lokibot queries the filesystem and registry in order to enumerate system information, credentials, cookies, and other juicy data. Below, we can see some of the function code that is responsible for stealing Safari browser and keychain data:

Lokibot – stealing Safari data.

And here we can see the code responsible for enumerating SSH-related Putty data:

Finally, after gathering the juicy data, Lokibot sends this data to a remote web server (in my case: “smallthingstress.sytes.net”), which is what we saw in the Wireshark data earlier. We can see that in the below code, where the C2 URL and socket information is referenced:

That concludes this brief analysis of Lokibot. There are a lot of areas of code that I did not go deeply into during the static analyses, so I’m sure that this sample has additional functionalities that I overlooked. However, in malware analysis, its easy to get stuck in a rabbit hole of code. Sometimes it is best to simply understand the main functionalities of the code in order to quickly build detentions for them and respond to them in the future, rather than get lost in kilobytes worth of code that may or may not prove to be interesting.

As always, thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post, follow me on Twitter (@d4rksystem).